Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Day 37 Wednesday 24th September, Nashville, Tennessee

Had our "free breakfast this morning" starting at 9 am but their concept of time is poor to say the least - we were still being "entertained" at 12.30pm and I finally spat the dummy.  We did get our $ USD 150 but the time they took was not appropriate and we let them know it.  It did include a tour of 2 apartments as well as the video and sales spiel.  It was  interesting seeing other rooms. 

We then took the shuttle bus downtown again - it was most convenient.  Meet a young couple staying at the resort who had been married last Saturday and were on their honeymoon - I don't remember being so young or doe eyed. 

After a bit more of a walk around we visited the Country Music Hall of Fame - which was very extensive and covered from the very beginning up to modern day.  We had also planned on visiting the RCA recording studio but it was booked out  - word for the future  - need to book in advance next time.

The CMHF is huge and spans 3 floors with an optional audio guide which explains all the exhibits.
Main hall of the CMHF, memorabilia, videos on the left and archive storage on the right.  
The Museum also holds the largest collection, approximately 500,000, Country and Western recordings (including some very early film) and a large collection of memorabilia. The archive is available for research and study. Two hours passed by without us even realising it. They also have a couple of huge walls covered in gold and platinum records from all the stars.
Part of one of the huge walls of gold and platinum records
The display starts with some history on where the music began with a fusion of English Folk music and Gospel and then moves on through the many early artists that shaped the early songs into the various types of Country such as Bluegrass etc. Eventually to the current development and growth areas of the current day.
Carter Family Plaque in Hall of Fame

Dolly Parton's dresses from when she performed with Kenny Rogers, his shirt (behind) is nearly as big as her dress. She is a tiny lady with the smallest waist!

Wouldn't Vic roads love this with its six gun and rifle protrusions

Some of the more unusual instruments in the display

Had to be an "Alvis" somewhere in this trip.....
After this we went to the apparently "world famous" Jacks BBQ Ribs on Broadway for dinner (Ribs were excellent by the way) before catching the shuttle bus back to the resort for a relaxing glass of wine (or two!).

Don't know what to make of this, it appears to be a bar that is pedalled by its patrons, we didn't try it.

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